AlumaGrips for the Desert Eagle, Lipstick on a hogleg.

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A couple of months ago I reviewed a set of AlumaGrips for a Government Model, and I used my Colt Delta Elite for the review. You can read that review here.

Chris with AlumaGrips knew I was still testing the new Desert Eagle for Kahr Arms and he offered to send me two pair of his AlumaGrips for the Desert Eagle. One pair was silver and the other black. You can read the Desert Eagle review here.

Knowing the quality and any reason to break out the Desert Eagle I of course accepted.  It was not long and the stocks were in my hand and on the Desert Eagle.

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Adding the AlumaGrips was pretty easy but you have to remove the grip adapter that the factory stocks secure to. The AlumaGrips only have one screw that fastens them together.

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The grip adaptor slips easily out the bottom.


Range Trip

One concern I had was recoil management with the AlumaGrips. The factory stocks are overmolded rubber and certainly helped with recoil perception.  The AlumaGrips are about a quarter inch thinner which made gripping the big pistol a bit easier and the checkering went a long way to keep a solid purchase on the pistol.

After Allison, Clinton, and I shot a few magazines through the big 50 there was no increase in perceived recoil and the gun felt easily and equally controllable. It was not a night and day difference but definitely noticeable.

Where the AlumaGrips really shine as they are gorgeous and well made. I mean, the Desert Eagle is all about the flash and why not dress it up more?

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You can see they are machined to snap right on without any sort of modifications, except for removing the grip adaptor.

I am digging the AlumaGrips for the Desert Eagle but I am not sure which color I like better, the silver or black. If any of you have an opinion please let me know in the comments.  I am going with one or the other and I will appreciate any help or advice.






By Hunter Elliott

I spent much of my youth involved with firearms and felt the call early on to the United States Marine Corps, following in my father's and his brother's footsteps. Just after high school I enlisted and felt most at home on the rifle range, where I qualified expert with several firearms and spent some time as a rifle coach to my fellow Marines. After being honorably discharged I continued teaching firearm safety, rifle and pistol marksmanship, and began teaching metallic cartridge reloading. In the late 1990s I became a life member to the National Rifle Association and worked with the Friends of the NRA. Around that time my father and I became involved with IDPA and competed together up until he passed away. I began reviewing firearms for publications in the mid 2000s and have been fortunate to make many friends in the industry. Continuing to improve my firearms skills and knowledge is a never ending journey in which we should all be committed. I am also credited as weapons master on a few independent films.

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