I was teaching a pistol class the other night and we were going over flash sight picture, double taps, target transition, and some more intermediate skills and drills. It was a great class and we all learned a lot. The thing about instructing a class, if you listen to your students, you as well can learn from their feedback. It got me to thinking that with all the high speed low drag training to be had, I fear many continue to skip the basic fundamentals, the foundation all other skills are built from. We can all agree after some cool tactical classes and IPSC/IDPA matches it can be a bit boring to get on the square range and punch paper focusing on grip, sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control, natural point of aim, and breath control. I believe it is a good idea to get back to the square range with a pistol of a known quality to practice the fundamentals, from time to time. Allison and I spent a few hours with a Colt 1991, a pistol of known reliability and accuracy, to brush up on fundamentals. In the Marine Corps we had a saying, “perfect practice makes perfect”.
It was not as quite as exciting or sexy as hard core drills or intense matches, but it is equally important to shore up your foundations, at least that is my opinion. He is a short clip of Allison stepped off to twenty five feet shooting an eight and a half by eleven paper target. This is something I try to do at least once a month going through about fifty rounds.