Hi- Point JHP 45

The Hi-Point JHP .45 Auto is a solid platform but indeed lacks in the beauty department, which is of no great importance to many; however, it was due for an update. You can read my JHP pistol and carbine review by following this link. 

I learned of Gen 2 a few months before it was announced and received my test sample shortly after.

You will immediately notice some welcome changes, .578 x 28 a threaded barrel, 1913 Picatinny Rail, redesigned slide geometry, and new texturing on the grip. The rail and threaded barrel are long overdue.

The trigger broke at six pounds with right much take up and some overtravel. Notice that safety is in the same place and functions the same as the Gen 1.

The front sight has yellow coloration but if you don’t care for that sight it can be removed, and any front sight that will fit a Glock will replace it. The adjustable rear sight has red dots to contrast against the yellow front but can also be removed, and a red dot can be added.

With the size of the slide, silencer sights are not needed with this pistol. Note the ten-round magazine interchanges with the Hi-Point 4595 .45 Auto carbine. The finish is a black powder coat and held up well throughout the review.

3 shot groups at 25 yards from a rest

After about 400 rounds through the JHP Gen 2, accuracy and reliability were on par with the Gen 1 JHP. We had no issues or malfunctions with or without the Liberty Suppressors Cosmic installed, and you can read that review by following this link. I recognize 400 rounds is not a great deal of ammunition; if there were a problem, I feel sure it would have shown up during the review. For a pistol with an MSRP of $225 to have a lifetime warranty, made in the USA, and work is no easy feat. The gun snobs will attempt to detract from that but Hi-Point has enough loyal fans and guns in circulation if they were indeed junk it would be evident. With that said, the firearm community is not unlike a family, and compared to many other hobbies, we are a small family, so we should support one another. There is a place for such a gun as Hi-Point from the budget minded to those looking for a truck gun and so on. Everyone deserves that option, and Hi-Point has stepped up and filled it. I am satisfied with the JHP Gen 2 and believe it to be a solid upgrade from the Gen 1.


Barrel length: 5.2″
Weight: 49 oz.
Capacity: 10+1
Overall length: 8.5″
Rear Sights: Fully adjustable & Red Dot Ready
Frame: Standard 1913 accessory rail
Finish: Black powder coat
Front Sights: Compatible with Glock® front sights
+P rated
Barrel threads .578 x 28
New textured grips
YC9 styled slide design & serrations
3-dot, fully adjustable sights
Last round lock open
Magazine disconnect safety
Larger thumb safety
Operations & safety sheet
Lifetime warranty

By Hunter Elliott

I spent much of my youth involved with firearms and felt the call early on to the United States Marine Corps, following in my father's and his brother's footsteps. Just after high school I enlisted and felt most at home on the rifle range, where I qualified expert with several firearms and spent some time as a rifle coach to my fellow Marines. After being honorably discharged I continued teaching firearm safety, rifle and pistol marksmanship, and began teaching metallic cartridge reloading. In the late 1990s I became a life member to the National Rifle Association and worked with the Friends of the NRA. Around that time my father and I became involved with IDPA and competed together up until he passed away. I began reviewing firearms for publications in the mid 2000s and have been fortunate to make many friends in the industry. Continuing to improve my firearms skills and knowledge is a never ending journey in which we should all be committed. I am also credited as weapons master on a few independent films.

One thought on “Hi-Point JHP Gen 2, welcome upgrade.”
  1. At JSARMSCO.com we have a few upgrades for the JXP10 or the new Gen2’s that just dropped. But we have a lot of upgrades for the Gen1 pistols and carbines. Drop us a line if you want to review any parts we offer. Love your style and it is a pleasure to watch you work.

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