SIG Sauer M17 coyote

It was a few months ago when I received an email from Sig Sauer informing me I was slated to get one of the new M17 pistols for review, yes the M17 that was adopted by the US Army phasing out the M9. This excited me for two reasons, first because of being able to review such a handgun and second because I have a disdain for the M9 developed while I was in the USMC.

First Impressions  

You will notice the M17 Bravo in the photos. When I was about two thirds through the M17 review the M17 B showed up and was included in the review. The only difference being the is M17 finished in Coyote while the M17 B is black.


The pistol(s) incorporate ambidextrous thumb safeties and slide stops.

Factory three dot Sig nights sights.

The rear plate can be removed to install a red dot optic. The downside is when you remove the plate the rear sight goes with it.

Integral Picatinny rail for mounting accessories.  The trigger broke at seven pounds with some take up and over travel. For a striker fired trigger it is not bad at all and better than many striker-fired handguns I have shot.

The front and rear strap as well as the port and starboard sides of the grip area are well textured.

Both pistols proved to be reliable with the included seventeen round magazines but also were reliable with the factory twenty-one round magazine.

Accuracy at twenty five yards averaged two and a quarter inches while the best group of the day was with the Sig VCrown 365 ammo measuring about an inch and three quarters.

The M17 and M17 Bravo incorporate the same modularity as the P320 with the fire control group being the serial numbered firearm. If you have the idea to swap calibers or change out the grip module size and/or color those accessories can be ordered directly from Sig Sauer.


Three shot groups shot from a rest at twenty five yards


M17 Bravo

Potential TALO edition P320

While not confirmed, here is a prototype of a TALO edition Sig Sauer P320 with the X receiver, upgraded sights, and stainless steel slide with a scale pattern. This pistol proved to be a pleasure to shoot being reliable and accurate. I hope to see this one go into production.


Just over 1000 rounds downrange with the M17 using various kinds of defensive and ball ammunition and several of my friends and family without a single issue. I put a couple of hundred rounds through the M 17 Bravo and it exhibited the same accuracy without issue. While I am confident in the pistol and in my review I do not have the resources the US Army has to test a series of sidearms but I still wanted to be sure I gave it an unbiased review based on what I learned. The M17 performed without issue and would serve well as a defensive firearm. Fielding it as a concealed carry pistol will take a bit of creativity but could be done. Considering pride of ownership, the new US Army sidearm would be at the top of my list of reasons to own this handgun. I am satisfied with the gun and would recommend it to anyone interested.


The P320-M17 Specs:

  • Total length: 8″
  • Barrel length: 4.7″
  • Weight (incl. magazine): 29.6 oz.
  • Height: 5.5″
  • Width: 1.3″
  • Sight radius: 6.6″
  • MSRP: $768


Sig Sauer 


Sig Sauer Ammunition 


Defender Ammunition 

Cor Bon Ammunition

By Hunter Elliott

I spent much of my youth involved with firearms and felt the call early on to the United States Marine Corps, following in my father's and his brother's footsteps. Just after high school I enlisted and felt most at home on the rifle range, where I qualified expert with several firearms and spent some time as a rifle coach to my fellow Marines. After being honorably discharged I continued teaching firearm safety, rifle and pistol marksmanship, and began teaching metallic cartridge reloading. In the late 1990s I became a life member to the National Rifle Association and worked with the Friends of the NRA. Around that time my father and I became involved with IDPA and competed together up until he passed away. I began reviewing firearms for publications in the mid 2000s and have been fortunate to make many friends in the industry. Continuing to improve my firearms skills and knowledge is a never ending journey in which we should all be committed. I am also credited as weapons master on a few independent films.

5 thoughts on “Sig Sauer M17, the sidearm of freedom.”
  1. Another great review Hunter. I have the X Five variant and it is a shooter to be sure. The 320 is going to be a player up here in IDPA and the new IPSC Light Division. I am just waiting on a holster to get real serious about the gun for competition. We have a steel plate challenge over the New Years weekend called the “Snow Snake”. I will be going with my X Five.

    Feel free to post this review on our page up here.

    Take Care


  2. Another nice review of what looks like a great gun. The full size 9mm market these days is sort of an embarrassment of riches. A lot of high quality stuff available. At $768 msrp how many people will supplement their collection with this seems sort of unclear to me.

  3. Great review, Hunter — enjoyed shooting this one — thanks for allowing me to be a part of this one.

    Keep up good work.

  4. I never liked Sigs (220, 228, 229) as well as Glock, or 1911s, because they just didn’t shoot as well for me even though their quality is very high. I will probably never buy one of these unless the grip angle was changed to be more like a 1911 because of past experience using Sigs.

  5. The grip angle is the same as the 1911 is it not? My X Five grip angle feels the same as my 1911’s. If you are stuck on hammer fired pistols you are never going to like a striker fired pistol. I personally cannot think of one design advantage the 1911 has over the M 17 or the 320 series of pistols. I prefer to shoot my 1911’s and my 92A1 but for competition neither goes in my bag on match day. Give me the SIG X Five, PPQ MAtch or M&P Pro any day.

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