Hi-Point 1095 10mm carbine

The day Hi-Point announced they were introducing one of their carbines in 10mm Automatic, I called and got my name on the list for a test sample. Thankfully it was not too long; one showed up, and  I immediately got to work. It is no secret that the 10mm Automatic is my favorite handgun cartridge, and there has been an influx of new firearms chambered in 10mm.

Initial Impressions 

Other than caliber, there are a few more changes to this carbine. While this model is still black, it is a bit more flat black. The cheek rest is a new softer material. While this adds some comfort for your cheek weld, it is a bit tacky so small debris, such as leaves and dirt, tend to stick to it. The barrel is factory threaded .578×28, which is the standard for .45 Auto and a common thread.  With a Weaver rail running down the length of the top of the receiver, below the foregrip, and below the barrel you have plenty of real estate to add accessories.

The rear peep sight is fully adjustable for windage and elevation.

The front sight is a blade style.

Hi-Point is using a .578×28 thread on this carbine. That is the standard thread for .45 Auto threaded barrels, which is more common than 9/16×24 usually found on 10mm and .40 S&W threaded barrels. Liberty Suppressors makes a fixed barrel adaptor in .578×28 for their Cosmic silencer. You can read my review of the Cosmic by following this link. Since the 10mm Auto is supersonic in almost all weights, it is not Hollywood quite but still hearing safe.

The charging handle, safety, and magazine release are the same as all other Hi-Point carbines. The trigger broke at six pounds with some take up and right much over travel. The bolt locked to the rear when the ten round magazine ran dry.

Range Time 

Three shot groups shot from a rest at 100 yards. We started out at 25 yards and easily achieved 1 1/2″ groups, so we moved to 100 yards, adding a Riton Mod 5 4-16×40 scope, you can read the review of that optic by following this link.  



I am no stranger to Hi-Point firearm and have reviewed four carbines before this one so, I have a bit of an idea of what to expect. Several of my friends and myself have been running this one for about a month now. After about 350 rounds down range of standard ball and defensive rounds with no malfunctions, the 1095 TS is what I have come to expect from Hi-Point. This carbine would be perfect for a truck/ranch gun, being in 10mm Automatic it is plenty medicine for two and four legged predators. With the inclusion of three Weaver rails, you have plenty of options to attach accessories. Though I would like to see Hi-Point go to a Picatinny rail system, accessories that will work with Weaver are easy to come by, and many accessories will work with both systems. All the features that make this an excellent truck gun lend it to be an outstanding home/self defense firearm, especially if you are running a handgun in 10mm. Though I have not completed the ballistic test comparing the carbine to the handgun, I did learn you are gaining an average of 120-130 feet per second increase over the 4.6″ Glock 20 barrel, not to mention the increased sight radius. Hi-Point does include a sling and sling attachments, though I did not use that system much in the review. In conclusion, accuracy and reliability were as expected and with the increase of velocity and sight radius of the carbine, it will aid in making the 10mm a more effective cartridge.


Barrel length: 17.5″
Overall length: 32″
Weight: 7 lbs.
Sights: Fully adjustable rear.
Capacity: 10-shot magazine standard
Stock: All-weather, black molded polymer
Trigger pull: 6 pounds
MSRP: $389.99


Hi-Point Firearms  

Liberty Suppressors 

DoubleTap Ammunition 

Defender Ammunition 


Hi-Point 10mm pistol

By Hunter Elliott

I spent much of my youth involved with firearms and felt the call early on to the United States Marine Corps, following in my father's and his brother's footsteps. Just after high school I enlisted and felt most at home on the rifle range, where I qualified expert with several firearms and spent some time as a rifle coach to my fellow Marines. After being honorably discharged I continued teaching firearm safety, rifle and pistol marksmanship, and began teaching metallic cartridge reloading. In the late 1990s I became a life member to the National Rifle Association and worked with the Friends of the NRA. Around that time my father and I became involved with IDPA and competed together up until he passed away. I began reviewing firearms for publications in the mid 2000s and have been fortunate to make many friends in the industry. Continuing to improve my firearms skills and knowledge is a never ending journey in which we should all be committed. I am also credited as weapons master on a few independent films.

11 thoughts on “Hi-Point 1095TS 10mm Carbine, getting a bit more from the 10.”
  1. Thanks Hunter for the review of the Hi-Point 1095TS 10mm Carbine, it has been one that many have waited for…

  2. Really enjoyed this review and the video was one if not the best one yet. Thank you for all the hard work and many hours you put into them. Also I loved shooting this one and look forward to doing it again soon.


  3. Great review.. I have been a 10mm fan for just over 20years … and yes I’m awaiting delivery of the 1095 …. Already loaded up a few hundred stiff 200gr TMJ loads ..
    I have owned several Hipoint carbines in the past … So I know about their great reliability .. and the offer the BEST coustomer service in tbe firearm industry..

    Thanks for the review!!!

  4. I own one 10 mm pistol, a Glock model 40 having a 6 inch barrel. For many years I was anti-10 mm because I saw 10 mm pistols as being only slightly upgraded 45 acp sidearms. After a decade or so I realize I was wrong! The 10 mm is excellent for hunting and target shooting at the range when using a decent pistol (and the Glock 40 is). After seeing the comments on this web page and watching the video, I am convinced that the Hi Point 10 mm carbine would be an excellent buy. Earned my small arms expert rating (USAF ribbon) 51 years ago & have shot hundreds of firearms over the past 50 plus years. Only now realizing that Hi Point makes good quality carbines. Thanks for the info. F. Carlton McLean, Jr

  5. In the Youtube video, you mentioned the average velocity increase (Glock 20 vs the subject carbine) was around 120-130 fps. I scoured your Youtube channel and this webpage article for the promised ballistics test follow up video but have yet to find it. Please advise! Great content and I like this website’s user interface. Glad I will get prompted when a response and/or comment is made. I live in South Texas and want something that will drop a swine or deer in brush/hill country. But is also fun at the range and can be utilized for personal defense. All at a low cost/high value!

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