Leupold VX6 review


A short time ago Leupold asked if I would be interested in using the VX6 and providing feedback on the scope to which I replied yes. Many know that I have been using the Leupold Prismatic for quite a while shooting in limited division (no magnification) and questioned if I could use a magnification. It’s been a while since I played in TacOps however I found this scope very easy to use when coupled with the Leupold 1000 range finder.

L2 L3

The scope is very similar to the Pris – its very clear and the dot size is the same. Last weekend I shot 12 of the 15 stages at the Surefire match on 1x. On 3 stages with targets beyond 250 I used magnification. The clarity of the glass is awesome and doesn’t change in low light or bright conditions. While the reticle is not bright in the sunlight it shines bright in low light conditions.

The reticle, as shown in the attached pictures, is really simple and easy to use. While we may differ on the distance at which we zero, I can verify that the scope will hold zero while getting put thru the paces. When the dot is on target the report is a clang. Why is that important you may ask? If you’re shooting and not hitting while on the clock then your decreasing your chances of a strong finish. I get enjoyment out of going one for one on steel and so should you. Such was the case this past weekend where we faced steel targets from 50 to 460 yards. One shot one hit.


One thing that I’ve learned from shooting a 1x scope is patience. The old saying is true…settle in and get a shot. Knowing my holds with this scope makes it easy to rock it. This scope is a keeper and gets 2 thumbs up!

You can visit the Leupold page to see the specs here:http://tinyurl.com/nh4t5te


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