Sometimes it is the little things that make all the difference. It was a couple of months ago Tandemkross sent me a pair of their Tomahawk extended magazine base pad for the Ruger 22/45.
The Tomahawk adds a bit of thickness to the magazine base, so when seating the magazine you have a little added insurance of a correct and solid seat. The toe of the magazine base pad is exaggerated enough to add a bit of area to the bottom of the pistol. If you have large hands and the 22/45 grip area is a bit cramped for you this will help out quite a bit. With that much extension, if you do have to get the magazine out in a hurry be it a hasty magazine swap or clearing a malfunction you have that added real estate to get a hold of the magazine. While this is an easy and inexpensive upgrade it can amount to some much needed insurance when it counts the most.
I have been upgrading the Ruger MK IV 22/45 Lite I reviewed with Tandemkross parts. You can read the original MK IV 22/45 review by following this link . The first Tandemkross upgrade by following this link and Part II by following this link.